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Plants and Fungi

Wild plants and fungi are the essential fabric of our natural world. Here is a fraction of the species you can find around Britain. We regularly update this webpage with new information.

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6 results based on your search
Honey Fungus (Armillaria species) 
Honey fungus, Armillaria mellea, photographed on a dead branch in a woodland. The pale creamy brown of the fungus stands out against bright green mosses that cover the branch

Honey Fungus (Armillaria species) 

Cock’s-foot Grass
Close-up photos of Cock's-foot grass

Cock’s-foot Grass

Smoky Spindles
Smoky Spindles

Smoky Spindles

Hygrocybe pratensis

Olive Earthtongue
Reddish tongue like fungus emerging from grassland

Olive Earthtongue

Microglossum olivaceum

Hazel Glove Fungus

Hazel Glove Fungus

Hypocreopsis rhododendri