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Bellis perennis

A Daisy close up

‘The daisy is a happy flower, And comes at early spring, And brings with it the sunny hour, When bees are on the wing.’  John Clare, “The Daisy”

A common sight across the UK, daisies are a delightful sign that spring has arrived and summer is on its way.

Each flower has a rosette of small, thin white petals surrounding a bright yellow centre. These are supported by a single stem which grows from a group of dark green rounded leaves. The petals can sometimes be tinged with pink.


Short grassland and meadows.


Very common. Found on grassy areas across the UK.

Did you know?

  • It’s not just one flower, but actually over 100 flowers! Each of the delicate white petals is actually an individual flower, with one extra long white petal-like strap. The yellow centre is made of hundreds of tiny flowers.
  • The name ‘daisy’ derives from ‘day’s eye’ – referring to this humble wildflower’s tendency to open when the sun rises and close when it sets.
  • Daisy’s have often been used to make ‘daisy chains’ by joining the flowers and stalks and then into pretty necklaces and bracelets.
  • The down-to-earth nature of daisies is reflected in language: “daisy roots” is slang for “boots” and “kicking up the daisies” is a term used describe those who have given up gardening once and for all.

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