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Plants and Fungi

Wild plants and fungi are the essential fabric of our natural world. Here is a fraction of the species you can find around Britain. We regularly update this webpage with new information.

Juniper berries.

Species of Interest

A person holding a camera about to take a photo of a plant.


This is where you can read all of our latest publications including scientific studies, reports and research.

Everything you need to know about fungi

Everything you need to know about fungi

We are on a mission to protect fungi, the habitats they call home and raise their profile across the world.

Which seed should I use?
A wildflower meadow with yellow, white, purple flowers in among the grass. The meadow is in Ryewater, Dorset. Image is by Jo Costley.

Which seed should I use?

Whether you're creating a meadow from scratch or introducing more wildflowers and grasses into grassland, our species lists are here to guide you.

Let’s learn about… Lichens

Let’s learn about… Lichens

Learn more about lichens with easy to follow interactive activities and printable spotter sheets and scavenger hunts.

Wild Parsnip

Pastinaca sativa

Wild Parsnip

A tall, strong smelling, hairy plant with a ridged stem. Oval toothed leaves with yellow umbrella shaped flowers.