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Join National Trust’s Teddy Jones for a digital tour of Castlefield Viaduct, Manchester’s urban park in the sky. Learn about Manchester’s rich industrial past and the city’s long relationship with plants.
A conservationist rather than an out-and-out ecologist or botanist, Paul has been Plantlife’s Conservation Land Manager since 2021 and leads the Nature Reserves team. He has worked in nature conservation for over 20 years, managing habitats and caring for protected sites all over England.
Teddy is an Assistant Gardener and Visitor Experience Assistant at Castlefield Viaduct, delivering tours that showcase local cultural heritage and urban gardening initiatives. He sees this project as a catalyst for change within urban space, where wildlife has been pushed to its limits. He believes that it is not too late to find and restore balance.
Working on the Castlefield Viaduct project with the National Trust, he has witnessed the effect that the place has had on both people and nature. His enthusiam for this remarkable garden is well deserved – join us to find out all about it.
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