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Plants and Fungi

Wild plants and fungi are the essential fabric of our natural world. Here is a fraction of the species you can find around Britain. We regularly update this webpage with new information.

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15 results based on your search
Bastard Balm

Bastard Balm

Melittis melissophyllum



Fritillaria meleagris

Lizard Orchid

Lizard Orchid

Himantoglossum hircinum

Basil Thyme

Basil Thyme

Clinopodium acinos

Adder’s Tongue Spearwort

Adder's Tongue Spearwort

Ranunculus ophioglossifolius

Reindeer Moss
Small patch of jagged, white Reindeer Moss amongst bright green plants

Reindeer Moss

Cladonia rangiferina

Hazel Glove Fungus

Hazel Glove Fungus

Hypocreopsis rhododendri

Violet Coral
Violet coloured fungus with branches looking like coral on a green grassy area.

Violet Coral

Clavaria zollingeri

Big Blue Pinkgill
A chunky blue mushroom laid out on grass

Big Blue Pinkgill

Entoloma bloxamii